The glass of the soap-filled frame on the left broke in a triangular shape, and I painted that shape red to symbolize my womb, which it mirrored every time I stood in front of the sink.
Tratando de acabar con su propio sufrimiento a través de rituales inexpertos.
Tratando de acabar con su propio sufrimiento a través de rituales inexpertos.
Clumsy, self-conducted rituals fail to end a man's suffering.
donde converge el interior con el
I once filled a series of picture frames with soap. They started getting moldy and it delighted me that soap itself could be filthy. I cohabitated with them for years. The glass of the soap picture on the left broke in a triangular shape, and I painted that shape red to symbolize my womb, which it mirrored every time I stood in front of the sink.